Monday, March 14, 2011

Meezer Mats

     One of the things Siamese Rescue needs is blankets to give newly adopted kitties both a soft surface and a familiar item for comfort during their long car ride to a foreber hoem.  The blankets are called Meezer Mats.

     I started my first one, using this exciting stitch I'd never learned before.  It's not only great because it creates a light and puffy, comfortable surface.  The most exciting part about this stitch is that it involves no purling!
row 1 & 3 (wrong side): k across.
row 2: *k1, k by inserting needle in
center of stitch in row below,
knitting through both loops.*
repeat between * to last 2, k, k.
row 4: k1,
repeat between * to last 1, k.

UPDATE: Here is the finished product!

I think something like this
would make a cute little clutch

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